"Mastering Git: Essential Commands and DevOps Applications"


11 min read

1. git init

Starts a new Git repository in the current folder.

bashCopy codegit init

2. git clone

Clones a remote repository to your local machine.

bashCopy codegit clone https://github.com/Pratiklahamge/MyResume.git

3. git status

Displays the state of the working directory and the staging area.

bashCopy codegit status

4. git add

Adds files to the staging area.

bashCopy codegit add filename.txt
git add .

5. git commit

Commits the changes in the staging area with a message.

bashCopy codegit commit -m "Initial commit"

6. git push

Pushes the committed changes to a remote repository.

bashCopy codegit push origin main

7. git pull

Fetches and merges changes from the remote repository into the local branch.

bashCopy codegit pull origin main

8. git branch

Lists, creates, or deletes branches.

bashCopy codegit branch           # List all branches
git branch new-branch  # Create new branch
git branch -d branch-name  # Delete branch

9. git checkout

Switches to another branch or restores files.

bashCopy codegit checkout main  # Switch to the main branch
git checkout -b feature-branch  # Create and switch to a new branch

10. git merge

Merges a branch into the current branch.

bashCopy codegit merge feature-branch

11. git log

Displays the commit history.

bashCopy codegit log

12. git reset

Resets the index and working directory to a previous commit.

bashCopy codegit reset --hard HEAD~1  # Reset to the previous commit

13. git rebase

Reapplies commits on top of another base commit.

bashCopy codegit rebase main

14. git stash

Stashes changes in a dirty working directory.

bashCopy codegit stash

15. git stash apply

Re-applies the latest stashed changes.

bashCopy codegit stash apply

16. git fetch

Fetches changes from a remote repository without merging them.

bashCopy codegit fetch origin

17. git diff

Shows changes between commits, branches, or your working directory.

bashCopy codegit diff

18. git remote

Manages remote connections to repositories.

bashCopy codegit remote add origin https://github.com/Pratiklahamge/MyResume.git

19. git tag

Creates, lists, or deletes tags.

bashCopy codegit tag v1.0  # Create a new tag
git tag       # List all tags
git tag -d v1.0  # Delete a tag

20. git rm

Removes files from the working directory and staging area.

bashCopy codegit rm filename.txt

21. git mv

Moves or renames files in the repository.

bashCopy codegit mv oldname.txt newname.txt

22. git cherry-pick

Applies changes from a specific commit.

bashCopy codegit cherry-pick <commit-hash>

23. git bisect

Uses binary search to find the commit that introduced a bug.

bashCopy codegit bisect start
git bisect bad
git bisect good <commit-hash>

24. git blame

Shows who made the last change to each line of a file.

bashCopy codegit blame filename.txt

25. git show

Shows details about a commit.

bashCopy codegit show <commit-hash>

26. git revert

Creates a new commit that undoes changes from a previous commit.

bashCopy codegit revert <commit-hash>

27. git config

Configures Git settings like username and email.

bashCopy codegit config --global user.name "Pratik Lahamge"
git config --global user.email "plahamge340@gmail.com"

28. git submodule

Manages submodules within a repository.

bashCopy codegit submodule add https://github.com/example/repo.git

29. git clean

Removes untracked files from the working directory.

bashCopy codegit clean -f

30. git archive

Creates a tar or zip archive of the repository.

bashCopy codegit archive --format=tar HEAD | tar -x -C /path/to/extract

Commands use by devops Enginersโ€™โ€™

1. git clone

Use: DevOps engineers often clone repositories to set up environments, deploy applications, or configure infrastructure.

bashCopy codegit clone https://github.com/Pratiklahamge/devops-repo.git

Example: Cloning the configuration files for infrastructure as code (IaC) setup using Terraform scripts.

2. git pull

Use: Pulls the latest code from the remote repository to ensure the environment or deployment is up-to-date.

bashCopy codegit pull origin main

Example: Before deploying an application, a DevOps engineer pulls the latest changes to avoid deploying outdated code.

3. git push

Use: After automating a build or adding scripts, a DevOps engineer pushes the changes to the repository.

bashCopy codegit push origin feature-branch

Example: Pushing a new Dockerfile or a Kubernetes YAML configuration after modifying it for CI/CD pipelines.

4. git branch

Use: Creating branches for different environments (e.g., development, staging, production).

bashCopy codegit branch production
git checkout production

Example: A DevOps engineer creates a "production" branch for the final deployment environment.

5. git merge

Use: Merges feature or bug fix branches into the main branch for continuous delivery.

bashCopy codegit merge feature-branch

Example: After a feature is fully tested, a DevOps engineer merges it into the production branch for deployment.

6. git commit

Use: Commits changes in configuration, scripts, or infrastructure templates with detailed messages.

bashCopy codegit commit -m "Updated Jenkinsfile for new build pipeline"

Example: Committing changes to Jenkins pipeline scripts that automate testing and deployment.

7. git fetch

Use: Fetches updates from remote repositories without merging them into the current branch. Useful for monitoring remote changes.

bashCopy codegit fetch origin

Example: Fetching changes from the infrastructure repository to review updates without directly applying them.

8. git rebase

Use: Reapplies commits from one branch onto another. Often used to ensure branches are up-to-date.

bashCopy codegit rebase main

Example: Rebase the feature branch with the latest main branch before deploying to ensure no conflicts.

9. git reset

Use: Resets changes in case something goes wrong during deployment or configuration setup.

bashCopy codegit reset --hard HEAD~1

Example: A DevOps engineer resets a branch to the previous commit when a configuration file update caused an issue in production.

10. git stash

Use: Temporarily stashes local changes, useful when switching between different tasks or branches without losing work.

bashCopy codegit stash
git stash apply

Example: Stashing changes during an ongoing deployment, then switching to another branch to fix a bug.

11. git tag

Use: Creates tags for specific releases or deployments.

bashCopy codegit tag v1.0
git push origin v1.0

Example: Tagging a commit with v1.0 before deploying the first version of the application to production.

12. git log

Use: Reviews the commit history, often used during audits, troubleshooting, or post-deployment checks.

bashCopy codegit log --oneline

Example: Checking the commit history to verify when a particular feature or bug fix was deployed.

13. git cherry-pick

Use: Picks a specific commit from one branch and applies it to another branch.

bashCopy codegit cherry-pick <commit-hash>

Example: A specific bug fix from a development branch is cherry-picked to the production branch for immediate deployment.

14. git config

Use: Configures Git settings for global or repository-specific use, often used to set up credentials.

bashCopy codegit config --global user.name "Pratik Lahamge"
git config --global user.email "plahamge340@gmail.com"

Example: Configuring Git to use a CI/CD pipeline user for automated commits and deployments.

15. git diff

Use: Shows the changes between commits, branches, or files. Useful for code reviews and troubleshooting.

bashCopy codegit diff main feature-branch

Example: A DevOps engineer compares the production branch with the feature branch to ensure only necessary changes will be deployed.

16. git rm

Use: Removes files from the repository and staging area.

bashCopy codegit rm obsolete-file.txt

Example: Removing old Kubernetes or Terraform files that are no longer needed in the project.

17. git stash pop

Use: Applies and removes the latest stashed changes.

bashCopy codegit stash pop

Example: After switching back to a branch, the engineer applies the stashed configuration changes to resume their work.

18. git show

Use: Displays information about a commit, often used in troubleshooting or post-deployment audits.

bashCopy codegit show <commit-hash>

Example: Inspecting a commit to understand which files were changed before deployment.

19. git bisect

Use: Finds the commit that introduced a bug using binary search.

bashCopy codegit bisect start
git bisect bad
git bisect good <commit-hash>

Example: Identifying the commit that caused a failure in the deployment pipeline.

20. git archive

Use: Creates a zip or tar archive of the project, useful for releases or backup.

bashCopy codegit archive --format=zip HEAD -o release.zip

Example: Creating an archive of the latest version of the repository for deploying to a specific environment.

21. git submodule

Use: Manages external dependencies stored in other Git repositories.

bashCopy codegit submodule add https://github.com/example/config-repo.git

Example: Adding a submodule that contains shared configuration files or Terraform modules used across multiple environments.

22. git clean

Use: Cleans untracked files from the working directory, useful before deployments to avoid leftover artifacts.

bashCopy codegit clean -f

Example: Cleaning up old log files and artifacts before a new deployment.

23. git remote -v

Use: Verifies the URLs for all remote repositories.

bashCopy codegit remote -v

Example: Checking the remote repository URLs to ensure you're pushing changes to the correct environment (staging, production, etc.).

24. git ls-files

Use: Shows information about files in the index and the working directory.

bashCopy codegit ls-files

Example: Listing all tracked files during troubleshooting to verify which files are included in the deployment.

25. git revert

Use: Creates a new commit that reverses the changes from a previous commit, often used to undo a bad deployment.

bashCopy codegit revert <commit-hash>

Example: Reverting a commit that introduced a bug into production without modifying the history.

26. git submodule update

Use: Updates submodules to the latest commit from their remote repository.

bashCopy codegit submodule update --remote

Example: Ensuring all submodules, such as Terraform modules, are up-to-date before deploying infrastructure changes.

Getting & Creating Projects

git initInitialize a local Git repositorygit init
git clone https://github.com/Pratiklahamge/[repository-name].gitCreate a local copy of a remote repositorygit clone https://github.com/Pratiklahamge/MyRepo.git

Basic Snapshotting

git statusCheck the status of the working directory and staging areagit status
git add [file-name.txt]Add a file to the staging areagit add README.md
git add -AAdd all new and changed files to the staging areagit add -A
git commit -m "[commit message]"Commit changes with a messagegit commit -m "Updated README and added new feature"
git rm -r [file-name.txt]Remove a file or folder from the repositorygit rm old_file.txt
git remote -vView the remote repository URL(s)git remote -v

Branching & Merging

git branchList all branches (current branch marked with *)git branch
git branch -aList all local and remote branchesgit branch -a
git branch [branch-name]Create a new branchgit branch feature-branch
git branch -d [branch-name]Delete a local branchgit branch -d feature-branch
git push origin --delete [branch-name]Delete a remote branchgit push origin --delete feature-branch
git checkout -b [branch-name]Create and switch to a new branchgit checkout -b new-feature
git branch -m [old-name] [new-name]Rename a local branchgit branch -m old-branch new-branch
git checkout [branch-name]Switch to a branchgit checkout main
git checkout -- [file-name.txt]Discard changes to a filegit checkout -- file.txt
git merge [branch-name]Merge a branch into the current active branchgit merge feature-branch
git stashStash changes in a dirty working directorygit stash
git stash popApply the latest stashed changesgit stash pop
git stash clearRemove all stashed entriesgit stash clear

Sharing & Updating Projects

git push origin [branch-name]Push a branch to the remote repositorygit push origin main
git push -u origin [branch-name]Push and set the upstream tracking branchgit push -u origin dev
git pullUpdate local repository to the newest commitgit pull
git pull origin [branch-name]Pull changes from a specific branchgit pull origin main
git remote add origin https://github.com/Pratiklahamge/[repository-name].gitAdd a remote repositorygit remote add origin https://github.com/Pratiklahamge/MyRepo.git
git remote set-url origin https://github.com/Pratiklahamge/[repository-name].gitChange the remote repository URLgit remote set-url origin https://github.com/Pratiklahamge/MyRepo.git

Inspection & Comparison

git logView commit historygit log
git log --summaryView detailed commit historygit log --summary
git log --onelineView a brief commit historygit log --oneline
git diff [source-branch] [target-branch]Preview changes between branchesgit diff dev main